i am surrounded by men in my life. they outnumber the women in my life by at least 4 to 1. most of them are not happy with their lot in life; though they come across as content with this being the ways things are meant to be. most of them are unhappy with the idea that they have to slave away, do the daily grind, 9-5, for the rest of their lives just to have money to survive. even the wealthy men i know still feel like shit cans to be kicked and ordered around by wealthy ceos. these men are treated well by the women in their lives. they are for the most part happy with their relationships. what makes them unhappy is 'having' to work. having to! being forced to do jobs that don't make them happy because the world is based on having money and we cannot survive without it. they feel like pawns, like puppets in a world run by greed. and they are.
let us take prostate cancer for example. it is the largest cause of death in men, yet, breast cancer gets more attention. thus woman's health is seen as being put ahead of men's health. the sad truth is it's women sexual objectification that is being used here. the only reason we talk and talk and talk about breast cancer is because breasts sell. ads relating to this subject can be and are provocative because it's boobs! where as bums, especially men's bums, are less objectified and seen as something that won't sell. what are they trying to sell? products, pink products, raising money for cancer awareness .. corporate greed, my friends, corporate greed. it's not about male vs female, it's about greed making us all unhappy.
i've no objections to the movie because, no doubt the issues raised (see below quotes) are happening, just as women are sexually assaulted on university campuses, just as young girls are coerced into sexting only to have it shared on the internet, just as very young boys are kidnapped from their homes and forced into camel jockeying, just as more and more young boys are sexually assaulted at school due to the rise in porn. there are all manner of travesties happening in this world. non of which i trivialise because no one issue is more important than the other.
quote "I can't tell you .. how many guys I've talked to who are like yeah she stabbed me and they put me in jail."
quote "just say that he raped you, sexually abused you, and we'll get you the house, we'll get the kids, and it's done quick."
where i do have reservations about the movie is where men lay the blame. with women. with feminism. women wanting equality has lead to an uprising of female control and women are using that control to make men's lives miserable. to that i say: this world is not run by women. this world is not and has not been created by women. women are also mere pawns, puppets in this world of greed. we are all largely unhappy with the status quo. this happening to all of us. women's rights may get more air time while men's issues are kept quiet, that being said women have been kept quiet for thousands and thousands of years. it's time we had a voice. and men should have their voice also.
movies like this that segregate and, i fear, promote a hatred towards another gender will not and do not help the situation. in order for any and all of the many issues to be remedied we need to get together, work together, learn together and figure out how we are going to tackle these issues and meet as many needs as possible. it is not as simple as putting women back in their place and leaving things to be run by men and this will resume the natural order of things. it hasn't worked to date.