We know more. We've lived longer. We've researched more. You know nothing. We we don't put up with ignorance. We'll disrespect you while we're at it. We're just speaking our mind. If you can't hack it tough. We ain't changing for no body.
Culling the weak.
Bullshit bullshit bullshit.
Elders affect and influence the newbies and have the power to create path. As a newbie if you hear that type of attitude. An arrogance so deep it's disturbing. You ain't telling yourself I want to be that when I grow up. If knowing so much more means we get to put others down for not knowing as much under the guise that this is acceptable because we're just telling you how it is. No thanks. As a newbie that's not something we aspire to. A path we're eager to pursue. Can't wait til I know so much I can do the same.
Other elders will stand up for the disrespectful elders claiming they just don't want to put up with rubbish. If you're wrong according to them they'll say so. There is no teaching.
What? You can't say that without putting a person down? You can't own your disrespect? More bullshit.
Rudeness is rudeness and not something newbies aspire to. No matter which way you spin it.