When times get hard and I question why I am with Mr on again off again, so much frustration, I think back to when we met. We met at a night club where I was dancing and he was an intended one night stand. Not because that was what I wanted but because it was all guys ever wanted. Why would he be different and what difference did it make? I was grieving over lost love and felt like something fun to take my mind off the empty house that waited for me.
We drive back to my joint and straight away I can tell he is different to other guys. He is asking about my place, looking around, exploring, picking up a silastic gun and asking who's it is. When I tell him it's mine he gives me an admiring grin. I pour us vodka to drink and we drink on a mattress in the lounge room. When he does approach me he is sweet and caring. As we kiss he senses my nervousness and says “Don’t be shy”. He slowly undress me. Doesn’t just get right to it. He takes his time, touching, kissing exploring. When he removes my knickers he stops and stares in awe. He tells me I've the best pussy he’s ever seen. Well, if he says so. When I reach down to feel his groin I notice it is smooth and soft so I whip the covers back and pop down for a better inspection. His body is hairless except for a small crop of hair around his penis. His penis is hard yet smooth and his balls are like silk. I am instantly as attracted to his groinage as he is to mine.
We spend the night fornicating and have a pleasurable enough time, though he doesn't bring me to climax, both falling asleep in a tipsy stupor. When we wake in the morning we shower together and he lifts me up, pushes me against the shower wall and we do it again, tree trunk style. I am impressed with his strength and his muscle tone.
Later on we’re dressed and sitting in my lounge room chatting. I can’t help but notice he’s not chewing at the bit to escape. He is happily spending time with me, not trying to do a runner.
Suddenly I burst out, “Oh shit” and go running to the bath room. I remembered I have a tampon inside me. My period was due any day and I put the tampon in the night before just in case I my period came while I was dancing. Even though my period never came I forgot all about the tampon and totally forgot to take it out. Reaching for it I find it has been pushed too far in from our fornicating and I cannot reach it.
Embarrassed I got out and tell him, “I have to go to the doctors”, thinking, if he wants to escape now is his chance to run. He's not interested in doing a runner. He wants to know why I need to go to the doctors and I tell him. I’m expecting him to burst out laughing and think I am an absolute dork. Instead he says he’ll come with me to the doctors. We end up spending the day together.
With a beginning like that it is not hard to see why I deal with all the shit.