I wonder if I went to Brazil would I find all the women there sporting no hair downstairs? I assume the name Brazilian is called Brazilian for a reason. Yet it’s hard to imagine that this is a national trend there.
I’m not a fan of the bald badger myself. It feels a little too childlike and I cannot get the notion of little girl out of my head. When I was a little girl hankering to be a grown up woman I wished for boobies and pubic hair. I didn’t wish for boobies and no pubic hair. I knew that guys wanted women who had boobies and pubic hair. I grew up seeing ladies who had pubic hair.
For girls these days seeing what they see and hear maybe they’ll grow up wanting to be grown up with huge boobs and no pubes? It could relate to what we grow up with.
On TV they had a show about men who lusted after hairy women. One guy even saying how if he could see some hair outside of the knickers that excited him.
I feel the same way about men. When they’re topless I like the look of the hair that creeps up from their groin to their navel. It is like the hair is an arrow pointing to the manly object down below. Sexy. Hairless men look smooth to touch and tantalizing. Men with hair there look manly.
I’ve trimmed and such. It’s not as though I’ve left the jungle yet even if I had that should be ok too. We have moved away from being natural down stairs. Should I trim it all off one day just to experience what it looks like and how I feel with no hair? I don’t know.
Maybe? Maybe not?
What I always wanted as a little girl has come true. Boobs and pubes. I am a woman.