We like it so much so we’ve gone out of our way to reproduce it as much as possible. Billboards, video hits, magazines, posters, movies, sexting, even user profiles – not to forget the sadder aspects of porn such as child porn and over sexualising our children. Almost all of humanity is now trying to out do each other over who can be the sexiest. Instead of house wives we got porn wives, instead of teens we’ve got sexteens. And more than enough interest to feed the hungry beast.
My view of humanity is that we’re really over grown ants. In other words we’re animals or insects just the same as every thing else; we live to eat and procreate. The rest is merely gathering honey for the queen bee. It is a two fold thing in that: no wonder we like sex because we’re just animals and no wonder we enjoy it because it is one of the only things for free and something we don’t have to give to the queen bee (or do we?)
Though in this day and age we are giving to the queen bee, the King, big brother. We’re giving it to every body, every where, any time any place. This is a time of over indulgence (which may not last) and we’re not really good at saying no or enough. So we give and give. Or take and take.
As I said I’m one of those people who likes sex. At the same time I think it is a very personal and private thing. Something I don’t want to share with big brother. A tad ironic considering I’m airing my views for all the world to see. Yet, I believe, not in a porn start way, in a more seductive and sensual way. Bringing, I hope, the normalcy, mystery and innocence back to sex.
I’m no prude. When I’m in a relationship I like to have fun, experiment, play games, romanticize and fantasize. Sex is a fun thing. Something to be enjoyed. No point wasting any session that comes our way. That being said I don’t want to publicize my sex even when it’s a world rocking event. I don’t want to do internet porn, sexting, showing my privates to the world and to be honest I wouldn’t want my daughter (if I had one) doing that either.
Doing strip teases for your man. Going parking. Role playing. Dressing up. Massages. Trying new places and positions. Going bush walking and fornicating like a pair of wild dogs. I am all for these things. Sex is fun. It is pleasurable. And slightly taboo hence its attraction. Sometimes the sex is so good its earth shattering and I might wish I had a camera to capture the moment. And want to do it all over again.